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Group activities

Dec. 2024, end of year dinner at Lao Yue Xi, enjoying amazing Cantonese flavors and great company


June 2024, Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ but make it a ‘Graduation Feast’


May we all grow, flourish, and keep being awesome!

June 2024, celebrating Donghuan and Jiajie's graduate at Tong Xiang Hui with sparkling drinks (have consumed enough ethanol from working in a chemical engineering lab)


Apr. 2024, serendipitous sunshine brightened our mostly rainy Quanzhou trip

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Feb. 2024, end of Chinese year dinner enjoying the finest Yakitori in Beijing at Niaotuoli


Dec. 2023, end of year dinner at Le+ Tide, savoring Chaoshan local flavor and sharing a good laugh

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Jan. 2023, end of Chinese year dinner at Lao Ji Tang, sweet as Shanghai cuisine


May 2021, celebrating Jiayi's graduate at Rosewood with Champagnes and best burgers on earth


Dec. 2020, dinner at Kong Yi Ji pretending we have many things to celebrate in this difficult year


Dec. 2019, end of year dinner at the best Chinese restaurant in Beijing


May 2019, hot pot party at Rosewood. "Spirits lifted"


Jan. 2019, ripping apart the mountains at Chongli


Dec. 2018, end of year dinner&party at Unico


Jul. 2018, durian tasting in Malaysia. Yes, chemists can tolerate any smell


Apr. 2018, trip to Suzhou (what can you say when they argue spring is too good for research?)

Feb. 2018, Greek style symposium at Catail

Jan. 2018, ski trip at some random fake mountain

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